At The Drive-In - Acrobatic Tenement

Episode 22 December 09, 2020 02:13:24
At The Drive-In - Acrobatic Tenement
More Of That Presents: Discographology
At The Drive-In - Acrobatic Tenement

Dec 09 2020 | 02:13:24


Show Notes

Our journey into the discography of AT THE DRIVE-IN begins! This week we Get Real about this hard-working, van-dwelling band from Texas. We start with a brief discussion of their debut EPs--"Hell Paso" and "¡Alfaro Vive, Carajo!"--and then dive into the first LP, "Acrobatic Tenement." You've never heard Discographolgy get this hardcore/punk/emo before! Plus, a fateful public access talk show, phone phreaking, and lyrical content that would make David Cronenberg blush. We had a blast, so don't miss it! Our opening song is "Never Say Never Again" by More of That. You can listen to us on all major streaming platforms and on [Bandcamp.]( Closing music is by Freddy Fender. Check out our [YouTube channel]( Twitter: [@discographpod]( Instragram: [@moreofthatpresents]( Logan has cool stuff on YouTube at [Logan Williams Music]( Brought to you by the AUX podcast network. Be the first on your block to support us and the rest of AUX on [Patreon!](

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