We're back with some perfect content for your middle of the work week blues. We discuss about our recent listens and record store purchases and then do a double shift talking about our favorite songs about Work Woes. Logan and Matt are working on the same shift, Josh takes a ride with some Drive By Truckers, and Blake is on the minimum wage. Thanks as always for listening and check out a previous episode or two!
Our opening music is a song by us called "Never Say Never Again." You can find our band, More Of That, wherever you stream music (including Bandcamp).
DISCOGRAPHOLOGY T-SHIRTS are available now and they're awesome! Hit us up anywhere online to buy one now!
Check out our YouTube channel
Twitter: @discographpod
Instagram: @moreofthatpresents
Logan has cool stuff on YouTube at Logan Williams Music
Brought to you by the AUX Podcast Network.
HAPPY ALMOST HALLOWEEN! We hope you enjoy the continuation of our Halloween mix review. Instead of our regularly scheduled programming, we're going over our...
Before we discuss the world's favorite home recording of 2020, More Of That share our favorite Quarantine Cuts. These tunes were either made in...
Don't call it a comeback--The More Of That Boys have returned for Season 2 of Discographology! In this pregame episode we discuss what's been...