Pure Moods

Episode 38 April 07, 2021 02:49:19
Pure Moods
More Of That Presents: Discographology
Pure Moods

Apr 07 2021 | 02:49:19


Show Notes

This week we kick back to watch some old-school TV and talk about Pure Moods - the 1997 Direct Marketing music collection from Virgin Records that brought New Age music to your commercial break. Matt forgets how the show works, Logan gets out his mood ring, and we learn about some cool indigenous artists who were the voices behind those songs that you hear and immediately think of a woman riding a unicorn in a forest. Draw a nice bath, light some candles, and pour a glass of wine for this one, folks, because we're about to enter a world where time drifts slowly, and music carries you away... Follow the show at https://podiant.co/podcasts/discographology/ Find more shows on AUX audio at https://aux-network.podiant.co/ Thanks to these sources: https://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/various-artists-pure-moods-vol-1/ https://www.independent.ie/entertainment/music/enyanomics-the-singer-by-numbers-26733137.html https://www.forbes.com/sites/passionoftheweiss/2016/06/20/a-conversation-with-enya-about-sampling-the-nature-of-fame-and-how-to-control-your-career/?sh=50d1dcef6bcf https://ethanzuckerman.com/2004/11/23/turmeric-pygmies-and-piracy/ https://www.theawl.com/2016/09/an-aural-history-of-adiemus/ https://www.theguardian.com/film/2001/feb/23/culture.features1 ------ Our opening song is "Never Say Never Again" by More of That. You can listen to us on all major streaming platforms and on [Bandcamp.](http://moreofthat.bandcamp.com) Closing song is by Logan. Full version available on [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/auxaudio)! Check out our [YouTube channel](http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA3lq3Ps6gvSLpATIahRS3w) Twitter: [@discographpod](https://twitter.com/DiscographPod) Instragram: [@moreofthatpresents](https://www.instagram.com/moreofthatpresents/) Logan has cool stuff on YouTube at [Logan Williams Music](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHbukUQdl802vPjw1p_Fs9Q) Brought to you by the AUX podcast network. https://aux-network.podiant.co/ Be the first on your block to support us and the rest of AUX on [Patreon](http://www.patreon.com/auxaudio) where you can get access to our Discord and exclusive AUX content! Levels of support start at just $1 a month!

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