Latest Episodes

Season of the Mix 2021 (Part 1)
GOOD EVENING. It's that time again! The annual More Of That Halloween mix exchange is here again. In this episode, we go over Matt...

Pregame: I Want Candy
Welcome to the 2nd annual Discographology Halloween Ex-SPOOK-a-goon-za! The Season of the Mix is nearly upon us. Four Wednesdays in October. Four Halloween-flavored episodes....

Ace of Base - The Sign
It's Blake's turn to choose a palate cleanser! The Sign has a place in all of our hearts and on skating rinks everywhere. Techno-reggae...

Pregame: Undercover Covers
Ever heard a song you didn't know was a cover? It happens to the best of us. The best of us have believed for...

Fiona Apple - Fetch The Bolt Cutters
It's here--the final installment of Fiona Apple's discography (until 2029). This episode of Discographology we slice into 2020's critically acclaimed Fetch the Bolt Cutters....

Pregame: Quarantunes
Before we discuss the world's favorite home recording of 2020, More Of That share our favorite Quarantine Cuts. These tunes were either made in...