Latest Episodes

Pregame - Unexpected Drum Machine
This week on the show the More of That gang talk about our favorite songs where you might not expect a drum machine. Matt...

The Replacements - Stink
This week on the show--the record is short, but our discussion is long. For our first episode covering only an EP, we get a...

Pregame - Work Woes
We're back with some perfect content for your middle of the work week blues. We discuss about our recent listens and record store purchases...

The Replacements - Sorry Ma, Forgot to Take Out the Trash
This week we're taking a ride up to Minneapolis to begin our next artist discography, alternative icons The Replacements, with their debut release on...

Pregame - Noteworthy Namedrops
This week on the show we talk about our favorite Noteworthy Namedrops--songs that feature name drops and references to other artists. We brainstorm some...

Gillian Welch - Time (The Revelator)
Today we discuss Josh’s palate cleanser pick: Gillian Welch’s “Time (the Revelator)” from 2001. Spoiler alert--it's one of his favorite albums of all time....