We know them. We dread them. Painfully long waits between albums. Breakups and reunions. Hiatuses. Which long breaks yielded the best and most interesting records in our lives?
Next week: Fiona Apple's fourth album (after a 7-year break!), The Idler Wheel...
Our opening song is "Never Say Never Again" by us, More Of That. You can listen to us on all major streaming platforms and on Bandcamp.
Our closing song is "Werewolf" by Fiona Apple.
Check out our YouTube channel
Twitter: @discographpod
Instragram: @moreofthatpresents
Logan has cool stuff on YouTube at Logan Williams Music
Brought to you by the AUX podcast network. You can support us and get bonus content at our Patreon!
DISCOGRAPHOLOGY T-SHIRTS are available now and they're awesome. Hit us up anywhere online to buy one now!
***threepeat ***(English) **Origin & history:** Blend of three and repeat **Noun** (*US, slang*) 1. A third successive win. 2. When a musical artist drops...
The boys go around the horn and once again detail our vinyl hoarding disorder. THEN, we get into our favorite concept albums. Themes. Motifs....
Don't call it a comeback--The More Of That Boys have returned for Season 2 of Discographology! In this pregame episode we discuss what's been...